7:46 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Earlier this morning, I was freezing cold. My sweater was no help at all. It's like below zero degrees. Brrrrr. Haha I was exaggerating, I know. xD. I went out AGAIN today (just about 8 days ago the gas tank was full and now it's almost reach empty before my dad decided to fill out again). First off all, I confess, I love to drive. It's my new hobby. So, I sent my dad to a hotel and then Im off to a mall all by myself. I had my breakfast at KFC. The usual: potato wedges, 6 pcs chicken nuggets and regular Pepsi.
Got myself another magazine with JBros at the front page. ^__^. I haven't buy any JBros related magazine since last week. I break the record. Haha!. 4 mega Jonas posters. Yummmm!. Now my Jonas file is full of Jonas megas and pinups. After that, I browse through shelves of books. I just thought of Mandy in which she mention about novels by Nicholas Sparks were good and so I decided to find any books by him. I managed to find a few books and I just read through and she was right about it. Im getting one of his novel this weekend. :).
Before went back home, I brought my dad along to Ambank. Im getting myself a credit card. Well, it's not really a credit card, it's a pre-paid card where anyone could have it. Ahhhh my life is half complete.
Online shopping, here I come!. :D
exs & ohs
6:48 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Teeka a.k.a my BFF (i dont know if i'd still consider her as one) or so she call me her BFF as well texted me last night. I was too busy with getting my daily dose of JBros and forgot to text her back. I always want to ask her what she really think of me. As in, why is she consider me as her BFFL ( best friend for life). We rarely hang out like we used to. She has lots of other friends that she rather turns to than her own BFF. She had a fall out between her old BFF and next thing I knew they were friends again. Few months later, once again, clash between those two and miraculously back to friends after that. I dont know if I should earn her trust. Afterall, she's getting herself in a deep dark hole. She drink and her dad a drinker. Honestly, it's a shocker. I dont want to see myself ended up like that. This really saddens me. :(
Scratch that. So anyway, today is pretty much fun. I get to play with iPhone. ^_____________^. I went back to that store that me and my dad previously went to and I thought I'd gonna ask that dude if I could try to use it. It looks yummy, I swear. It has Youtube, access to the Net and lots more. The downside, well, it cant record video and it's freakin' fragile since the surface is made of glass. I dont know but my dad said he's gonna withdraw some money from the bank later and buy an iPhone for me. *hyperventilates*. Im a happy camper.
OMJ!. Mary just received the money I sent to her and she already got me JBros "Bonus Jonas special edition cd/dvd". *squeeeee*. She'll probably send it by tomorrow. *iz excited*. ^__^. I cant wait to have it in my hand and watch it again and again and again and again. ahhh shoot me already. >_<
Im getting Xmas cards for Frances, Kourtni and Rachael earlier. I shall get writing tomorrow morning. :).
Again, OMJ!, JBros merch site FINALLY ship their stuff to Malaysia. Oh joyness!. With some money I have, Im planning to buy some stuff. And I love how most of their stuff are cheap unlike some other bands merch site. I mean, a shirt for $10?. Srsly, that sounds a lot cheap to me. But naaaah, Im not planning to buy a shirt.
Suhweet!. I managed to master Soulja Boy dance. And the song itself. Psst, Im a closet rap fan. ;).
exs and ohs,
11:24 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Ahhhh weekend suppose to be the time where everyone go out and have fun. But not for me. I hope this doesn't sound like Im whining but you see, I live in a small town where everything just sucks. Im going to the same mall like everyday (maybe not everyday but most days). There's not much places to hang out. Im sick of local kids here where probably about 90% of them calling themselves emo and dress like one. Oh and goth. Whatevs.
Before lunch, me and my dad went out to get something. My dad was complaining how his cellphone ran out of battery life all the time. Whatdya expect when the phone has been through worse situation like it once fall on a hard surface and also phone once got soaked with water. I took my dad to telecommunications store. And OMG! this is best part. I saw lots of new PDAs and cellphones and was hoping to find iPhone and HOLYSMOKE! I found one. I did a little jump in excitement and there's a huge grin on my face. Then, like I told the store owner that I wanna hold it in my hand. I was totally checking out that phone. Aaaaaargh! it's just look amazing. And it cost about RM 2600 ++. Much cheaper than the price that I saw on the net last week.

That's how iPhone look like if you never saw it before. haha.
Back in the car, I was totally begging my dad like crazy and try to convince him that it is more than just a phone. I decided to trade my Nokia 3250 twist phone for iPhone. My dad was like,"well then, go ahead and buy it if you want it so bad". I mean, yeah, like uh, Im gonna need your money, dad. -_-. I would've not ask for your money if I have a job. Even if I have a job, a month salary wont cover the price. *sigh*.
p/s; i bought a Ralph Lauren polo shirt that exactly Joseph wear (on stage or in a photoshoot) yesterday. I am a happy camper. xD. Thank God for small size. :).
12:48 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yesterday's AMA was insaaaane or should i say, beyond amazing. it just couldn't get any better especially when my boys (psh yeah right. xD), Jonas Brothers perform. Hands down, best performance from this year's AMA. My heart started to beat faster till I actually feel it'd come out of my chest any seconds after Maroon 5 performance ended.
Fangirl in me started to take over as soon Jordin Sparks announce Jonas Brothers name. Then 80 girls came running right to the front stage to catch their performance. It was crazy. And it was unbelievable. Those girls went nuts even before they come out. The intro, where the glass wall shattered to pieces was one of the best part. Things got ugly when Joe tripped over and fell right on the knee with his hand slide on the pieces of glasses on the floor. I literally went OMG! out loud. I could only assume something bad happen but a true star he is, Joe moved on with the performance. I honestly thought nothing bad happened because he was doing fine and all he showed no sign of in pain but when Frances, a friend of mine told me that he was bleeding, I was shocked. And this proved it that he was bleeding;

I felt nothing but truly bad for what had happen to him and honestly thought he was seriously injurted. From the picture, I can tell the cut was big. Lots of blood came out. Another thing I scare the most about his cut is the glass stuck in the palm of his bleeding hand. To make things worse, his knee was bleeding as well and his white pants smeared with blood right on the knee part.
In conclusion, Joe is such a klutz...... like me. *sigh*. This wasn't the first time he tripped on stage but a lot of times before.
Anyway, I watched that performance AGAIN today. :D. Awesome.
This post wouldn't be just as awesome without a random picture;
* taken with my Nokia 3250. baad quality, i know.You wouldn't wanna know the exact amount of that money. Hahahaha. Btw, thanks dad for giving that amount of money. xD. And with that money in my hand, I went shopping for clothes. At the end of the day, I purchase maroon pants ( supposedly red but since i cant find em, it's the closest i can get), white pants (i dont have one sooo yeah.. shocker, i know) and apple green and grey stripes polo. I saw a denim vest and oh God! it was cheap. I just love grand sale. hahahaha.
Im so bored and I just need to get away. I want to go to Singapore to visit some of my friends but it's still under a plan. :/.
MCR coming to KL next week. whoa!. it's weird that Im not as stoked as I should be the fact that they're coming here.
7:44 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
03. Apples - no, not the computer, the natural snack from trees. i think there's a good chance i may actually end up being that weird old guy who gives out apples on halloween. i've been eating one every day; they're mother nature's candy. and good for you. go eat one. now. go.
I spent a good 2 hours reading entire Greg Garbo's blog entries. It was a fun read and some of his entries were HILARIOUS!. For instance, the extract above taken from one of his blog entries.
I actually ate an apple right after I read that. As if I actually listen to what he said. xD.
And random pictures of apples for everyone's viewing pleasure;
...... half an hour later

Man, the after image grosses me out. >_<. In conclusion, Greg is my hero!. hahahahaha.
Anyway, another random picture; my Jonas wall. :)

I obviously need to stop buying magazines with Jonas Brothers mega posters in it. I have tons more of mega posters of the boys but I decided to keep it in my Jonas file instead. I've no more space left since I dont want to put the posters on my actual bedroom wall coz I was planning to re-paint it.
7:43 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
It's been 5 days since the very day my life was made. On November 6th, I get to meet a band that has changed my life entirely. The band that has always been the reason for me to smile that is The Click Five.
That morning, I woke up as early as 5 am to get ready for appointment with a doctor at Putrajaya Hospital. I underwent PET scan and spent 5 hours there before went back to the hotel to get ready for The Click Five meet and greet at KLCC Tower Records at 6:45 pm. I did a final preparation such as making sure the battery for the camera fully charged. Around 5pm, me and my cousin took a cab to get to KLCC. I was freakin' nervous. I was too damn excited since I've been waiting for this moment to come since a year and a half ago. As soon I've reached KLCC, suddenly I got lost. Claire, a friend of mine, who've been waiting at Tower Records since 2 pm gave me a direction to Tower Records and bam! there were a loooooooooong queue outside Tower Records. Claire was nice enough to save me some space for me to stand. I was standing close to the signing table. The security guard was being meanie and ask us to move all the way back. Hell we were far enough from the signing table, man!. *sigh*. There's this dude brought along his guitar that really got me pissed off. Seriously, would they even allow to get a guitar signed?. Heck no. I honestly feel bad for this little girl standing next to me. She was too short to see everything around her except people that surrounded her. She's strong enough to stand there for an hour and a half. Whenever she's tired, she'd hold on to my bag to keep herself balance. Poor girl!. :(. For the entire hour, Steve, the FlyFm DJ asked us to sing Jenny. Hell I thought I'd lost my voice from singing too loud. He was really annoying and kept saying that The Click Five was already arrived when the fact that they weren't arrived yet. -_-. Haha the funny part was when he asked who's our favourite member of The Click Five, I was the ONLY one who shouted JOE GUESE while the rest shouted KYLE PATRICK. A few of my friends shouted JOEY ZEHR. xD.
Aaaaaaargh! it's the moment of truth. The guys finally arrived this time. I could hear the people lining outside scream out loud and I couldn't help but scream as well. I kept pushing myself to the front just to get a better view of the guys and HOMG! I could see Ben Romans and Joe Guese (*dead*) before I even noticed Kyle Patrick. Kyle was the closest to me. While Ben on his left and followed by Joe, Ethan and Joey consecutively. I cant take my eyes off Joe. He looked so good in the flesh. And so did Ben. I cant even looked at Ethan and Joey because they were on the far left. :(. There's someone blocked my view that prevent me from taking picture of Kyle. Overall, I only have good shots of Ben and Joe.
It's now or never. The guard asked me to step to the front to get their autograph. For a moment, I totally forget to say hi to Kyle. And I finally snapped out of it and say hi to him and shake his hands before moved on to Ben. Oh my God! I swear I could just want to hold Kyle's hand for a very long time. Never thought a guy's hand could be so soft. Colleen was right about that. :D. Ben was such a sweetheart. He flashed a heeeeeuge smile at me. I feel like wanna hug him but boooo! the guard would definitely kicked me out from there. And next up is Joe. OMG! my heart beats faster than ever. My heart melt right there when he smile at me. He's not just smile once but TWICE at me. *swoons*. I dont think I can love him even more. Then, it's Ethan. God! he looked seriously skinny. The boy really needs to eat more than usual. He got me worried more than anything. And last but not least, Joey. Joey's actually really fun to talk with. I got overjoyed when I saw him. As soon Joey finished signed my cd booklet, I swear I still feel like I was in a dream. It was so surreal. I could just pinch my side right there. I still cant believe I actually just met the boys that I admire so much. I ran back into the store to catch another glimpse of them. Things getting a little out of the way when the photographers started to pack the signing table to take their pictures. The boys finally stand up and pose for us one last time before left the store. The fans ran all the way back to the exit door since TC5 gonna left the place using the back door. As soon they were out of the door, things got crazy with some fans chased them all the way to the other side before the security guard refrain those crazy fans.
A bunch of us boardies stood outside the store, planning to stalk TC5 at the hotel in which I believe they're staying at Concorde Hotel. Unfortunately, I couldn't be with the boardies to stalk TC5 at the hotel since I have to go back to the hotel myself. Plus, I dont think my cousin would allow me follow them. :(. I finally got the chance to talk to them. We get to know each other before we left. Elan, the old boardie was in complete shocked when she found out that Im from Sarawak. She couldn't believe the fact that I'd fly all the way to KL to see TC5. All sudden, a tear nearly fell for no reason. I told them that I couldn't be at Hard Rock Cafe to see TC5 perform and they were all "awwwww" out loud. One by one gave me a bear hug. That moment was such a touching moment. Lastly, we give ourselves a group hug. I had a great feeling and was extremely sad at the same time when I had to say goodbye to them. :'(. That day was the day that I'll never forget for the rest of my life.
EDIT (November 16th) ;
Here are 2 pictures taken from the Click 5 meet & greet :